jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014

Hitting Icebergs

When built, the Titanic was supposed to be one of the sturdiest ships in the world. No expense was spared on safety features. It was even nicknamed the "Unsinkable Titanic." Yet, during its maiden voyage from South Hampton, England, to New York, N.Y., the Titanic collided with one of nature's simplest creations, the iceberg, and sank.

Hitting Icebergs

Growing up, I thought life was pretty good. I had a nice family, lived in a nice house, attended a nice school and had nice things. I felt very safe and secure.

But, just as the Titanic hit an iceberg and everything changed, so did my life. Out of nowhere, my parents announced they were getting a divorce. I felt alone and afraid; no longer safe and secure.

God's Love

That summer, one of my friend's parents held an afternoon bible study. There I learned the meaning of John 3:16: that God loved ME so much He sent His only Son to die in MY place for MY sins. And, by believing and trusting in Jesus as MY Lord and Savior, I would not perish but have everlasting life. I would know eternal security in Him.

Trusting in Christ

So, I put my trust in Jesus Christ by asking Him to forgive my sins and come into my heart as my Lord and Savior. And, He did.

The following Sunday I made my faith in Him public and was baptized in front of the church congregation. After that, I got involved in various missions and outreaches. Life was good once again.

That is, until it hit another iceberg when we moved from Abilene, Texas to New Orleans, La., for Mom's job. After that, we just never got involved with another church. Mom was always so tired from working all week and raising two teenagers on her own.

Spiritual Growth

Then one day, a friend shared with me about the importance of spiritual growth as a Christian. She spoke about how trusting Christ as your Lord and Savior was only the beginning of a wonderful journey, not the end. Jesus had so much more He wanted to show me, teach me, and have me experience with Him…if I'd only let Him.

I knew she was right, and soon afterwards, found a Christ-centered church and an-depth bible study. I discovered very quickly that I didn't know very much about God or His Word. But, the more learned, the more I wanted to know.

That was many years ago. And, my life has been good ever since. Not that I haven't hit my share of icebergs along the way. But, life is good because I've gotten to know God personally. His love, majesty sovereignty, holiness, faithfulness, justice, mercy, and grace are more than just words to me now.

Secure in Him

Today, Jesus is not only my Lord and Savior; he's also my best friend. I know that no matter what icebergs I hit; Jesus will be with me. He'll never leave or forsake me. In Him, I'm unsinkable.

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